Friday, December 18, 2009

Why buy toys?

Ever since our recent shopping trip to Target in search of christmas wrapping paper and ribbon, Reilly has completely ignored his toys! Why do parents spend so much money on toys anyway? All kids really want to play with are tupperware, spatulas, boxes and wrapping paper!!

Scary Santa!

Days leading up to our big visit with Santa this year, we looked at pictures from last year, talked about Santa and really tried to pump up Reilly for his picture! But deep down, Shawn and I both knew that it was not going to be a happy day. Like most kids his age, Reilly is experiencing separation anxiety! Couple that with a strange looking man, mama too far away and this is what you get....
It was actually quite funny! What a difference a year makes!! We can't wait to see the professional photos and compare it with our sweet sleeping 7 week old newborn last year.
We went with all of Reilly's cousins to visit Santa, and after the torture of the individual picture, we thought the group shot might be easier on our little guy. Ya right, what were we thinking? I'd show you the photo, but my husband needs picture taking lessons....they are all out of focus! Maybe our trip to visit Santa in 2010 will be better - ho, ho, ho!!!

Dinner Time...

I've been neglectful of our blog for a while now as I have been suffering from my 5th sinus infection in 4 months, not fun! Finally I have some answers and relief, so I'm back on it.

As we continue to introduce new foods to Reilly and wean him off baby food, meal time has become an interesting adventure in our house. Using the spoon by himself is Reilly's latest desire. Check him out....need I say more?!

Although Reilly's vocabulary is still a bit limited, he certainly has no problem communicating his wants, likes and displeasures during dinner! At the top of the list are bananas - our little boy could eat bananas all day. He's like a vacuum - I put pieces on his tray and they are gone the second I look away. Down at the bottom of the list are good proteins like meat, chicken & turkey. I'm fearful we have a vegetarian on our hands! Any ideas to increase his diet variety? I'm all ears!!